Castello di Bellaguarda

Symbol of family power, politics and an enchanting landscape

Castello di Bellaguarda is located just above the village of Tovo di S. Agata and is considered one of the most articulated castles in the entire valley. Reached on foot along a cobbled path and immersed in the woods between Tovo and Mazzo di Valtellina, the castle offers an enchanting panoramic view with a view of all the castles and towers of the surrounding territory. Castello di Bellaguarda, together with the Tower Pedenale di Mazzo, is an excellent example of how the roads leading up to the Mortirolo Pass were controlled by the local authorities, with the aim to defend their political and economic interests.

The existence of at least a tower is already confirmed in a document from the year 1226, but it seems the other parts of the fortification date back to the 13th century as well. The castle appears to be the result of several construction phases of just one single project commissioned by the Venosta family, a family of enormous political weight that began to dominate the territory almost as soon as it arrived during the 11th century from the Val Venosta. A period when the Valtellina aristocracy was still in its infancy and high administrative positions were held by immigrant families.

The life of the castle ended just two centuries after its construction with the invasion of Valtellina by an army of the Grisons in the year 1487. A fire set in the complex forced the Venosta family to abandon their castle.  Having lost its function as a fortified residence and no longer being a symbol of the family's power, the castle probably became inhabited by farmers who cultivated the surrounding land.


Info and details

Guided tours summer 2024:
Saturday 13 July at 10.30
Friday 26 July at 18.00
Saturday 10 August at 10.30
Friday 23 August at 18.00
Friday 30 August at 18.00

+39 0342 706066


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